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Writer's pictureBoundless Studio

The Script | Y Sgript

Updated: Nov 29

This section will feature at the beginning of our animation when the audience first meet our protaganist, Peredur. Collaborating with Cardiff-based translator Alice Williams, we worked carefully to adapt the text, ensuring it retained its meaning and emotion in both languages. Osian Llewelyn Edwards, our talented voice actor, also moderated the translation, offering valuable insights into the delivery and flow.

The process wasn’t without its challenges—maintaining similar pacing while capturing the nuances of each language required precision and creativity. Welsh’s poetic rhythm and English’s directness demanded thoughtful adjustments to preserve the narrative’s impact across both versions.

This bilingual approach is a vital part of the project, celebrating the richness of Welsh culture and making the story accessible to a broader audience. We can’t wait for you to experience the full story in both languages!



1 munud 40 eiliad


ALLAN. Mae mellt dramatig yn goleuo’r ystafell yn Llys y Brenin Arthur

MEWN. Llys y Brenin Arthur

Peredur (Adroddwr)

Ah, henffych, gwerinwyr! Peredur ydw i

Seithfed ac unig fab Efrog.

Ac o’r noson hon, gwireddais fy mreuddwyd.

Breuddwyd dwi wedi'i chael ers yn fach - i fod yn farchog!

Mae fy stori yn dechrau pan oeddwn i'n ifanc ac fe gollais fy nhad a'm brodyr i frwydr.Gwnaeth fy mam ei gorau I ‘nghadw rhog wydro, ond pan anfonodd y Brenin Arthur farchogion dewr ar draws ein tiroedd hardd, cefais fy syfrdanu. Roedd ei farchogion yma i gynnal heddwch a chyfiawnder a threchu ei elynion , ond hefyd - meddyliwch am y gogoniant!

Roeddwn i'n meddwl y byddai bod yn farchog yn wych. Byddech chi'n ofni dim a byddai pobl yn canu caneuon eich anturiaethau! Doedd mam ddim yn bles I’awn , cofiwch. Dywedodd hi, os o’n i am fod yn farchog, byddai angen i mi chwilio am y Brenin Arthur.

Bwbach, y dihrod bach digywilydd, maen nhw dros ylle yma yng Nghamelot. Trici cho; gadewch bowlen flasus o hufen allan gyda'r nos a byddan nhw'n llai annifyr.

Maen nhw’n achosi trafferth  oh I ,or eiliad y tynnwch eich gowig oddiarnynt! Ond fe drodd e, chwargen chwerw, dywedodd mam wrtha i am gadw’n bell o fysedd y cŵn bob amser, maen nhw’n dawelydd pwerus wir ch, Fyedd yn eich anfon drwmgwsg dwfn.

Ta waeth, yn ôl at fy stori, aeth dyddiau heibio wrth i mi deithio trwy ein gwlad hyfryd, nes i mi gyrraedd yma, Camelot.

Dyma lle gwrddais â'r Brenin Arthur am y tro cyntaf. Dywedodd ei ras osro’n i am fod yn farchog, roedd angen i mi brofi fy anrhydedd. I ddechrau, roedd angen i mi ymchwilio i lyn mawr y tu hwnt i'r goedwig.

Ac felly mae dechrau fy stori syfrdanol am wrachod, tylwyth teg, brenhinoedd, a bwystfilod .

Beth amdani, werinwyr ifanc, a wnewch chi ymuno â mi?



1 min 40 seconds


EXT. Dramatic lightening illuminates the room at King Arthur’s Court

INT. King Arthur’s Court

Peredur (Narrator)

Ah, greetings, peasants! I am Peredur

the seventh and sole survivin’ son of Efrog.

And as of this evening, I achieved my dream.  

A dream I’ve had since I was little - to be a knight!

My story starts when I was a young and I lost my father and brothers to battle. My mam did her best to divert me from combat, but when King Arthur sent brave knights across our beautiful lands I was awestruck. His knights were here to maintain peace and justice and defeat his foes, but also - think of the glory!

I thought bein’ a knight would be great. You’d fear nothin’ and people would sing songs of your adventures! My mam wasn’t best pleased, mind. She said If I wanted to be a knight, I’d need to seek out King Arthur.

Bwbach, those cheeky little hobgoblins, they’re everywhere at Camelot. Here’s a trick; leave them a delicious bowl of cream out at night and they’ll be less annoying.

They’re always stirring trouble the moment your gaze is averted! ‘E got a run for ‘is coinage though, mam told me to always stay clear of foxgloves, they’re a powerful sedative they are, sending you right into a deep…sleep.

Anyway, back to my story, days passed as I journeyed through our beautiful land, until I arrived here, at Camelot.

It was here that I first met King Arthur. His grace said if I wanted to be a knight, I needed to prove my honour. To start, I needed to investigate a great lake beyond the forest.

And so, begins my terrific tale of witches, fairies, kings, and beasts.

What say you young squires, will you join me?

Brecon Beacons

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